Authorship Policies
Collaboration Agreements
All studies will include a collaboration agreement with the following sections (non-exhaustive):
Anticipated products: a list of potential manuscripts, outputs, or other expected outcomes.
Roles and responsibilities: an outline of what the expected contributions may include, who may be responsible for them, and how they are credited.
Authorship guidelines: Include minimum requirements for authorship based on credit information, information on the proposed order of authors, information on authorship for secondary outputs (i.e., if a new manuscript idea is formed during the project, how will / can individuals become involved?)
Dissenting opinions: a statement on how dissenting opinions on findings, disagreements, and conflict management.
Conduct: refer to the code of conduct and any specific policies based on the study. Include relevant journal policies.
Changes: an explicit section for updates and changes to the policy.
We will use CRediT guidelines to establish roles and denote the contributions for each member of a project. Each author must usually complete at least two CRediT categories for inclusion on a manuscript for publication. Journal policies often require that all authors must include Writing - Review & Editing. The definitions for CRediT are purposely vague in order to be flexible. However, we provide a table below that gives a general idea of how each project may define contributions for projects (taken from here and edited).
Contributor Role | Role Definition |
Conceptualization | Leading, documenting, and summarising discussions that lead to formulation or evolution of overarching research goals and aims. |
Data Curation | Management activities to merge and maintain research data (including software code, where it is necessary for interpreting the data itself) in an online repository for initial use and later reuse. |
Formal Analysis | Application of formal analysis techniques to analyse or synthesize study data, provided these analyses are included in the paper or supplementary materials. |
Funding Acquisition | Acquisition of the financial support for the project leading to this publication. |
Investigation | Conducting a research and investigation process. This process may include data collection from individuals, collecting language samples from other resources, or other applications depending on the study. |
Methodology | Development or design of methodology; creation of models. Writing/designing the pre-registration. |
Project Administration | Management and coordination responsibility for the research activity planning and execution. Preparing and disseminating protocols and coding instructions. Ensuring that deadlines are met. |
Resources | Developing or providing critical instrumentation or equipment to institutions other than one’s own. Providing translation or other services for materials, stimuli, etc. |
Software | Programming, software development; designing computer programs; implementation of the computer code and supporting algorithms; testing of existing code components. |
Validation | Verification of the overall replication/reproducibility of results/experiments and other research outputs. |
Visualisation | Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work, specifically visualisation/data presentation, provided these visualisations are included in the paper or supplementary materials. |
Writing | Preparation and creation of the published work by those from the original research group, specifically critical review, commentary or revision – including pre- or post-publication stages. |